In this thesis, we study various evolutionary aspects of relativistic collapsing systems,
thin-shell wormholes as well as cosmos by incorporating the e®ects of di®erent physical
parameters. We consider both spherical and cylindrical stellar objects ¯lled with
electromagnetic °uids and discuss their dynamical instability under radial oscillations.
The dynamical instability of homogeneous sphere as well as relativistic polytropes
is discussed by taking di®erent values of charge in Newtonian and post Newtonian
regimes. Moreover, we evaluate the ranges of radii as well as adiabatic index for both
charged and uncharged dissipative homogeneous cylinder. It is noted that dynamical
instability occurs in the presence of charge if the gaseous mass contracts to the limiting
We discuss stability of thin-shell wormholes coupled with nonlinear electrodynam-
ics in the vicinity of di®erent cosmological models for exotic matter. A general equa-
tion of state is considered in the form of linear perturbation which explores stability
of the respective wormhole solutions. We assume linear, logarithmic and Chaplygin
gas models to study exotic matter at thin-shell and evaluate maximum viable regions
for stability with di®erent values of the involved parameters. We also study stability
of thin-shell wormholes in Einstein Ho®mann-Born-Infeld electrodynamics following
the same dynamical approach. It is found that the Ho®mann-Born-Infeld parameter
and electric charge enhance the stability regions.
Finally, we discuss dynamical stability of isotropic and homogenous universe model
via phase space analysis by taking a noninteracting mixture of electromagnetic and
viscous radiating °uids whose viscous pressure satis¯es a nonlinear version of the Israel-Stewart transport equation. We evaluate corresponding critical points for var-
ious choices of physical parameters. It is found that bulk viscosity as well as elec-
tromagnetic ¯eld enhances the stability of accelerated expansion of the isotropic and
homogeneous cosmos. We also study phase space analysis of locally rotationally sym-
metric Bianchi type I universe model by taking di®erent linear combinations for the
interactions between scalar ¯eld models and dark matter. This indicates a matter
dominated epoch ultimately followed by a late accelerated expansion phase. We con-
clude that all the critical points lead to accelerated expansion of the universe for
tachyon coupled ¯eld.