We introduce a new three-parameter Modified Burr III G family of
distributions. The proposed family is an extended and generalized family, of
which some existing and new submodels are its limiting cases. The flexibility
of the proposed family is fairly evident in the various shapes its density
function accommodates. It can be symmetrical, left-skewed, right-skewed,
bathtub, J or reversed-J. Its hazard rate can be increasing or decreasing,
bathtub, upside-down bathtub, J and reversed-J, making it a suitable
candidate for model fitting in biomedical, engineering, lifetime and survival
studies. We have derived some of its structural properties and estimated its
parameters using Maximum Likelihood Method. Taking Burr Type XII as a
parent distribution we have studied its mathematical properties. A simulation
study highlights the performance of the Maximum Likelihood Estimates.
Two applications from life testing datasets elaborates its usefulness in model