The aimmof present studyowas to screen pharmacological potential of Alnus nitida
leaves, bark, fruit and their deriveddfractions; n-hexane,chloroform, ethyl acetateiand
the soluble residualkaqueous fraction. Qualitative screening of methanol extracts
demonstrated the occurrence of terpenoids, anthraquinones, coumarins, cardiac
glycosides, saponins, terpenoids, coumarins, phenols, betacyanin, flavonoids, tannins,
phlobatannins and alkaloids. HPLC analysis revealed theypresence of standards;
catechin, gallic acid, rutin, quercetin, myricetin andycaffeic acid in ANLM, ANBM,
ANFM and their various fractions in varying concentrations. GCMS chemical
fingerprinting of ANLM, ANBM and ANFM depicted the presence of 30 different
chemical constituents belonging to diverse classes, owing enormous biological
activities. Methanol extract, ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions demonstrated the high
level of total flavonoid and phenolic contents and a strong correlation coefficient with
the IC50 values were determined for the quenching of DPPH, hydroxal radical, nitric
oxide radical, ironnchelating,iβ-carotenebleaching inhibition,itotal antioxidant activity
and for total reducing power assay. Significant antimicrobial and cytotoxic action was
demonstratediby methanoliextract and ethyl acetateifractions of leaves, bark and fruit.
Methanoluextract, ethyl acetateyand aqueoushfractions of leaves, bark and fruit also
revealed marked anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic potential.
The in vivo study indicated that A. nitida leaves, bark and fruit possessed potent
antioxidant activity against CCl4 induced toxicity in rats. Treatment of rats with
ANLM, ANBM and ANFM markedly improved the serum biomarkers of organ
toxicity and tissue antioxidant status by significantly ameliorating the oxidative
tissues markers enzymes levels near to control. Histopathological studies of different
organs verify the biochemical observations. Comet assay was done to assess the
defensive potential of ANLM, ANBM and ANFM treated organs against CCl4
stimulated DNA damage. Various in vivo anti-inflammatory assays were done by
carrageenan inducedgpaw edema,gFreund’s completetadjuvant arthritis, histamine
induced paw edema and xylene induced ear edema in rats. Analgesicoactivity was
assessed by hotiplate analgesic test and aceticfacid inducediwrithing test. Chloroform
fraction of ANL, ANB and ANF was best active as anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
In vivo anti-diabetic activity revealed ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions of ANL and
ANF as significant anti-diabetic and antioxidant agent in multiple organs against
alloxan induced toxicity. Histological evaluation and comet assay also illustrated the
protective ability of ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions of ANL and ANF.
In vitro models of lung cancer cells (A-549 and H460) were usedito evaluate the
anticancer potentiallof crude extracts (ANL, ANB) and their isolatedcompounds (RU,
MI). ANL, ANB, RU and MI inhibit cell viability and proliferation in A-549 and
H460 cells in a dose dependent manner. Extracts/compounds induce cell death via
suppressing various signal transduction pathways that regulates cell proliferation and
survival. Chromatinkcondensation, cell shrinkageiand apoptoticibodies were observed
by phase contrast microscopy. Extracts/compounds significantly inhibitedicell
survivaloand colonyigrowth in bothicell lines. Migration studies was also done by
wound scratch and transwell assay, ANL, ANB, RU and MI significantly inhibited
migration rate in a doseidependent manner. Staining with DAPI and phalloidin Factin
staining demonstratedhthat cell deathioccurred at least partly through induction
of apoptosis9in both cell lines. Cell cycle analysis was also done which resulted in
arrest of cell at G1 phase, which might occur due to modulation of cyclin D1
expression, detected by western blot. ANL, ANB, RU and MI repressed the
expression ofuanti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2, xIAP and Bcl-xL in dose dependent
manner, which futher validate the apoptotic effect of extracts and isolated compounds.
Further analysis of signaling pathways indicated that compounds treatment induced a
dose dependent suppression of PI3-K, p-Akt (Ser473and Thr308), NFκB p65, p-
ERK1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204) in A-549 and H460 cells.
In vivo lung metastasis studies depicted that ANL and ANB have anti-metastatic
property. The anti-metastatic function of ANL and ANB is supportedkby the fact that
iticould inhibitythe formationiof nodules on the lungjtissue in C57BL/6J mouse lung
metastaticcmodel usinguB16F10 melanomaicells. Western analysis illustrated that
ANL and ANB decreased phosphorylation of FAK protein expression innvivo. FAK is
a validjtherapeuticitarget againstumelanoma. Results also depicted that these extracts
have anti-metastaticcproperties possiblyivia itsianti-angiogenesisiinduced byydownregulation9of
VEGF. ANL and ANB also decreased the expression of anti-apoptotic
protein Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL in vivo.
These findings provide strong indication that A. nitida extracts/compounds may be
favorable therapeutic candidates against two human non-small cell lung carcinoma