In solar wind, the charged particles like electrons, protons, and alpha particles are
detected to possess anisotropies in their temperatures. This skewness in their particles
distributions acts as a source of free energies to excite di erent modes. These
microinstabilities are known to be responsible for checking and limiting the upper levels
of anisotropies, speci cally near 1 AU, and thus explains the observations made
with spacecrafts more accurately. Previously, threshold conditions for these unstable
modes operative under di erent circumstances were presented as an inverse correlation
between temperature anisotropy, T?=Tk, and parallel plasma beta, k. These relations
were deduced on the basis of linear theory combined with observational ttings, or
by simulations like Particle in Cell methods. In present study, a macroscopic quasilinear
approach is adopted in which these correlations naturally emerge. A set of
self-consistent quasilinear kinetic equations is formulated for dynamical temperatures
and wave energy densities, separately, for homogeneous and inhomogeneous solar wind
medium. The solutions of these equations are not only giving us a dynamical picture
of temperatures and wave energy densities, but also con rm inverse correlation
between temperature anisotropy and parallel plasma beta at nal stages of numerical
solutions. A bi-Maxwellian form of particle's distribution is assumed all the time except
that temperatures of solar wind species may vary in time t. The validity of same
approximation is justi ed based on theoretical and simulations studies. Firstly, we
have studied right-hand polarized electromagnetic electron cyclotron instability conditioned
for T?e > Tke based on core/halo components model. The time asymptotic
states of core and halo electrons temperatures along with wave energy density are displayed.
Marginal stability curves, separately, for core and halo electrons populations
are con rmed at the saturation stages of particles trajectories in ( k; T?=Tk) phase
space. Secondly, a detailed quasilinear analysis of electrons rehose mode is carried
out assuming dynamical ions. This left-hand polarized electromagnetic mode becomes
excited for excessive parallel temperature i.e Tke > T?e, and is important for an upper
check of solar wind temperatures along the ambient magnetic eld. Time history
of parallel electron anisotropy regulation, variations in ions heating, and associated
wave energy density saturation is shown. Final stages of numerical plots of dynamical
equations are corresponded to electron rehose and electromagnetic ion cyclotron
marginal stability curves. Thirdly, in quasilinear frame-work, assuming dynamical ions
and electrons in an inhomogeneous solar wind medium, an interplay of electron and
proton instabilities is studied. We point it out as one of the mechanisms of an outstanding
issue that, the majority of data points are observed in near isotropic state in
phase space for protons species. In fact, this interplay of proton-cyclotron and electron
rehose instabilities is leading a counter-balancing e ect which, in turn, prevents a
further progression of solar wind protons towards marginal rehose state. At the end,
the spatial damping for parallel propagating modes is also looked in degenerate environments
employing a linear kinetic model. For eld free case, a comparison of skin
depth is made for degenerate and non-degenerate environments in di erent relativistic
regimes. The role of ambient magnetic eld is also characterized for these anomalous
skin e ects.