One and two dimensional nonlinear dissipative structures are studied with non-Maxwellian
electrons in nonuniform magnetized plasmas. In 1D (one dimension), nonlinear drift-wave
is derived by employing the drift approximation whereas, in 2D (two dimensions) under
the weak nonlinearity limit, coupled drift-ion acoustic wave is derived. In the linear
regime, it is observed that the nonthermal electron population modi es the frequency
of coupled drift ion acoustic wave. Formation of shock structures is observed with nonthermal
Cairns and kappa distributed electrons and it is found that the presence of these
distributions signi cantly modi es these nonlinear structures. Velocity of nonlinear structures
and diamagnetic drift velocity are found to play a signi cant role in the formation
of these structures. Existence regimes for one and two dimensional drift shock waves are
found and it is observed that kappa distributed electrons for 1D case can give rise to
compressive as well as rarefactive shock structures whereas, Cairns distributed electrons
are found to behave in a di erent way for the formation of these drift shock structures.
Coupling of drift waves and ion-acoustic waves in linear and nonlinear regime are
studied in a nonuniform magnetized plasma comprising of two ion species (i.e. Oxygen
and Hydrogen ions) in the presence of nonthermal distribution of electrons. Dispersion
characteristics of coupled drift-ion acoustic waves are found to be modi ed for kappa
and Cairns distributed nonthermal electrons population as well as for di erent ratios of
ion number densities. Drift solitary waves are studied by deriving the one dimensional
KdV and two dimensional KP like equations for pure drift and coupled drift-ion acoustic
waves respectively. These solitary structures are observed to be modi ed in the presence
of di erent ratios of ion number densities as well as nonthermal distribution of electrons.
Existence regimes for drift solitary waves are determined with the help of the velocity of
the nonlinear structure and diamagnetic drift velocity.
Further, using non-Maxwellian Cairns, kappa and q-nonextensive electron distributions
along-with sheared ion
ow, coupling of drift vortex modes and ion acoustic modes
are investigated in a nonuniform magnetized plasma comprising of hot ions. Nonlinear
vortex structures are observed in the presence of non-Maxwellian electrons population
and it is found that there is a shift in the position of these structures because of nonthermal
populated electrons. The importance of these particles in the Earth's auroral zone
is pointed out and comparison with their Maxwellian counterpart is also made.
ow in dust dynamics driven waves in combination with the dust-neutral drag is
studied in a plasma containing ions, electrons and dust. Non-thermal population of ions
is considered which has been observed by many satellite missions. It is found that the
dissipative instability produced by dust sheared
ow and dust-neutral drag gets modi ed
because of these nonthermal ions. It is also observed that the dissipative instability
enhances for the Cairns distribution whereas, the kappa distribution arrests the growth
of this instability. In the nonlinear regime, formation of vortices in the system is studied.
It is found that the nonthermal population of ions signi cantly alter these structures by
comparison with their Maxwellian counterpart.