dc.description.abstract |
Present work is aimed at designing, implementing and validating computational procedure for the fluid flow and heat transfer analysis through the annular sector duct. This work will provide the complete heat transfer analysis and will be useful in developing an understanding of controlling parameter characterizing the configuration of annular sector duct. Chapter 1 is devoted to introduction and literature review, whereas, in chapter 2, we have selected a literature problem and discretised that by using two well known techniques finite difference method, (FDM) and finite volume method, (FV M). By comparing the results obtained from both procedures with the literature, we have selected one procedure for further mathematical models of the dissertation. In the chapter 3, we have carried out the study of forced convective Newtonian fluid flow, by considering the two different cases. In the 1st case, we have studied the forced convective flow of Newtonian fluid under the influence of uniform transverse magnetic field, applied perpendicular to the direction of flow. In the 2nd case, we have studied the influence of uniform transverse magnetic field on electrically conducting Newtonian fluid flow through annulus sector duct, filled with Darcy Brinkman porous media. As most of the fluids in nature are non-Newtonian, therefore, to make our model more realistic, we have replaced the Newtonian fluid with the power law fluid. In the chapter 4, we have carried out the study of forced convective power law fluid flow, by considering the four different cases. In the 1st case, we have studied the impact of flow behaviour index, n, on the forced convective flow in both pseudo-plastic and dilatant fluids. In the 2nd case, we have carried out the influence of magnetic field on electrically conducting power law fluid. We have studied the impact of n in both fluids for different value of Ha. In both cases, successive over relaxation, (SOR), method is used to solve the system of algebraic equations, obtained by using the FV M. In the 3rd and 4th cases, we have studied the impact of porosity factor, K, on forced convective flow of power law fluid through an annular sector duct, filled with Darcy Brinkman porous media in the absence and presence of uniform transverse magnetic field. In both cases, we have used the strongly implicit procedure, (SIP), to solve the system of algebraic equation, and compared with SOR method on the based of convergence. To achieve further enhancement in the heat transfer rate, addition of nano scale particles to the base fluid is an established research methodology now a days. Therefore, in chapter 5, we have studied the impact the nano scale particles on the forced convective flow of power law fluid by considering two different cases. Two types of nano scale particle (i.e Copper, Cu and Titanium oxide, TiO2) are used. Finally to make the dissertation wholesome, in chapter 6, we have studied the combined effect of viscous dissipation and Joule heating on the forced convective flow of power law fluid in absence and presence of nano scale particles. At the end of dissertation, we give brief of the future work. |
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