The purpose of the project was the study of physico-chemical
nature of water organisms(plants and animals) and the productivity
of bottom fauna of the Leh stream,Rawalpindi.It was also intended
to find out the pollution,its effects on water quality and the
organisms and also to determine the water pollution indicators.
The collection of water samples and the organisms was done
on monthly basis each year from June 1978 to May 1980.Due to
shortage of staff and funds, the places of collection were reduced
from 8 to 6 and instead of fortnightly, monthly collection was dime
The main object was the study of pollution and the organisms of the
Leh stream,Rawa/pindi.The Leh stream and its tributaries, arise
from Margalla hills above Islamabad and drains through a great payt
of Islamabad l it is, therefore necessary that the study should also
be done in Islamabad.
The water of the Leh stream beforP reaching the Sewerage
Treatment Plant, a tributary, Tanewali Kas near 7-UP Beverage
Factory and a tributary, Badarwali Kas coming from I/10 have
nonpolluted water and the water quality is fit for drinking,
domestic and irrigational purposes.These waters have typical
stream flora and fauna.Among the flora there were a number of elan-Q. '
and a few angiospermic plants such as Potamogeton,Hydrillal Typha
and Lemna.There were a good number of macroinvertebrates which fob
the food of fishes.The productivity of bottom fauna was also high,
Ten species of fishes were found in nonpolluted waterl some of thew,
were of suitable sizes.In sector I/91 after receiving the industr4
-al pollution the colour of water becothe milky and there was a drci,
in the organisms by number and weight.No fish was found.Tanewali
Kas and Badarwali Kas discharge into the Leh near Sewerage
Treatment Plant.The Leh after the confluence passes under the
bridge near F-Block,Satellite Town.The bulk of water increases end
the pollution is diluted.In our study of the fauna and flora t it was
found that number and weight was increased.Before the constructie
of industries in Islamabad l the water was not much polluted,fishes
were found up to Dhok Dallalan,Pir Vadhai.The Leh behind Holy
roti Family Hospital was an ideal place for Anglers, but now no fish is
found at this place.The water passes through Rawalpindi town an0 it
gets household and sewage wastes;detergents and soaps from
dhobighats, and houses; faeces and urine of buffaloes;wastes from
service stations and effluents from small industries, so the colowp
of water becomes brown and the bottom becomecblack.The water is
highly polluted when it comes near Mohanpura and Daryabad, the
dissolved.. oxygen becomes very low, the flora and macrofauna tare
also reduced.When the Leh passes near Dhok Chiraghdin,it pollutes-2-
the wells in the nearby areas.The water passes on the back of Ayti}
Park and-the slopels sharp.Due to the detergents and soaps ther
are foams over the surface of water.During this course the water
becomes aerated and solid impurities are settled down on the bott
The water near the .Soan Camp, becomes slow and is not badly pollu
and a fish,Channa punctatus was found .In the spring 1979 a numbs
of young Ch.ela sp..were found in large number.Turtles 1 wre common
the Leh near the Soan Camp.The total length of the Leh from its
origin to the confluence of the Soan river is 22* miles and it cov r
12 miles in Rawalpindi.
It is concluded that the water is nonpolluted in the upper
reaches of the Leh and its tributaries in Islamabad.The total
hardness is higher as 'compared to the International Standard of
Drinking 'W6ter:After receiving the pollution there is increase in
total alkalinity,total hardness.There is gradual increase in
magnesium, •sed,ium,and potassium.Cert'-in plants
and animals can no
tolerate pollution.After pollution there was decrease. in algae pr'
macrofauna but.increase in.microfauna.The gradual ,increase .in the
quantities of sodium and-potassium indicated domestic pollution./
few algae, micro, and macrofauna indicate the pollution.%