In this study which \'!D.s conducted between January and June 1<976,
studies were made on the ecology, behavior and thermoregulatory patterns
of the rhesus monkey (Macacu ?ulatta) in their n?tural habitnts. Studies
were cnrried out in two different areas for the purposes of compaiaoiono
In the ecological studies check-lists of the flora and fauna of the
home ranges of the monkeys were madeo Records of the precipitation,
temperature and photoperiod were maintained. It was obscr ed that how
does the ecology of an area influence the behavioral patterns and the
composition of different rhesus groups inhabiting those arenso Populatio?
census and group compositions were thoroughly worked auto
Behaviqral studies were made concerning their daily activity patte -??
feeding and foraging activ}ticr? mother infe.nt re:lationships, eroor.,ing
and allogrooming behavjoreo,. fear nnd submission responses nnd lcarlinc
patterns. Special attention wns given.to their pl?y repertoires and its
role in the neuropsychologicnl development of the young ones.
The thormoreculntorj chRr?ctcristics of the rhesus raonkey were studied under extremely low tcmpornturcso The functional osp?cts of
certain factors like the depoGition of fat and fur insulation were onnlyzcd. The behnviornl adaptations of the rhesus nonk?y for the
purpose of survival in cold climate w,s most analytically studicdo