The Pl.aema Physics Labovatoru has been eetabl iehed at
the Centre for Solid State Niysics as a new Research Proqranme ··01•
wh.,:ch special. faciiities had to be created. rl'frh the patronage
vf the v ine-Dhancel.Lor Pr..,,f,,_;,JSOr Dr. Kha irat: M. Ibne Rana, ,;, I.,
.1'h.D., F.P.ASc., andnrit-): the cooperat i.on ov· the D1:1•f:,•Lcr J.+· the
., 'ram the Unit eel Kinqdom Ct)Ve!rvzmen t: under t h; ('EN'J'C C'eherne. The
t.hrouql: i he good offiaes o;' i.he Vfre-Ch(.rnce! Lor has enabled us to
purchase f!•om the U.S.A. at a cost of a few Lnc s , cz rare equi+ment,
"A "aouum Ultra Violet Monoahromat.or:", ohi.ch is aoai.lal/t e on.y at
o few Universities even abroad, Optical h'rrvt::i..cJngths y,-·ing doum to
500 ?i can be measured with f-}z-i,s i.ne trumcnt: 1..Jln't:rl i.3
research fu.cil-ity.