Soil sampl.es were collected f'r-om Tharparker,
Nawabshah, Hyderabad, Dadu, Larkana, Sangher and .
Khuirpur districtso Physical and chemical propertios
of these s?mplos were det0rmined. Analysis of trace
elements Li.ke. Zinc, Copper and Boron in soil samples
were also carried outo
Experiments were conducted to study the effects
of Boron, Zinc and Copper on the growth and yield
of wheat ?nd rice plantso
Zinc promoted the growth
as compared to the control but increasing concentr?tion.o
did not hnve any effecto In other pot oxporiments the
effect of Zinc on growth of wheat plants in sandy lo;:-im
and silty clay soils was also investigntedo Zinc suppliod
in small amount as chelate (Zn EJYCA) to plants growing
in snndy loam, subst8ntially increased the yield similar
- . to that obtained by lar?c amount suppliod as sulphate.
The addition of Zinc as che lato and as sulphate to silt:v
clay soil nt highrr cone (10 lbs/acre ?inc QOd 5 lbs/ncro
Zn EDTA) significantly suppressed tho yicldo Folinr
appl?cation of Zn ns chelate (5 lbs/aero) to pl2nts grown
in sundy loam and silty. clay significnntly Lnc.r o aaod the
dry matter yield. In field expo r-Lme nts '.6inc and Boron
applied through the soil significantly promoted the growth
of rice plants.
Pot expoz-Lmerrt s were also carried out to evaluate the
effectiveness of different concentrr-at i.ors of coppor by soil
and folinr troutmonts ..on the r;rowth and yi-ld of wheat
i ?lants. The amount of copper in the plants was nlso
dctermin,:d. Effect of boron cone .ntrr .:.tion on the yield
wore studied in tho same manner. \lhcn Boron was supplied
to th0 clny soil singly or in combination with other
trricc c Lorno rrt s , ? mnrkcd reduction of dry matter and
grnin yio Ld ·1.r1:-1.s ob scr-vod ,
Tho effect of different concentration of boron on
the yL)ld of whc at plants wero c ar-r-i.cd out under field
conditions. Progressive effects were obs?r? din the c?sc
of incronsin3 boron conc0ntr8tions used except the
highest (10 lbs/ncr0), which neutralized the promotive
Tho fresh weight, dry weight 3Ild gr?in yields of
wheat plnnt responded significflntly to diff?rent amount
of· boron ond copper.