Screening of wheat (Triticwn aestivwn) and alien genetic
material belonging to tribe Triticeae has helped in identifying
cvs/lines suited for saline lands. These are being maintained for
use in future breeding programmes.
Promising eve / 1 ines of wheat ( Tri t: i.c uto 1:.?f::-.sd i vum) from the
above study were used in a treatment trial involving soil
amendments with N,P-FertilizersJ Farm Yard Manure and/or Gypsum.
Here salinity reduced germination and grouth of all the cultivars
but Sarsabz and M-283 showed slight superiority over the other
cvs/lines under test. The later has recently been released as a
new variety: Kiran-95 for the Sindh province.
Irrespective of cultivars, Gypsum application gave higher
yields followed by enhanced N+P and Farm Yard Manure. The soil
amendments did not help in ameliorating the soil which rather
deteriorate? further during the course of experiment.
Some studies were also initiated on the use of irradiation
to induce chromosomal translocations and on hybridization of salt
tolerant with commercial cultivars but these are at a preliminary
stage and will be continued under the regular programme of wheat
b?eeding at this·Centre.