The Indus delta displays an estuarine character in February
when salinities were found to range between 31.77 % to 34.51 %•
Salinities were, however, higher in May ranging from 37.07 % to
38.10 %•Values of surface dissolved oxygen for the month of
February were low (2.67, 2.52 and 2.23 ml/1). Seston values in the
month of February were low than in May, perhaps because of turbulence
in the latter month. Qualitative analysis of phytoplankton from
the mouth of the Indus River at Turshian and from Keti Bunder during
February and May showed it to be of purely marine nature. Productivity was higher in February than in May. Similarly zooplankton
was more diverse in February whereas My. Juvenils of penaeid and caridean shrimps constituted the most valuable resource in the Indus Delta.The small caridean shrimp Leander stylifera was the dominant
species of shrimps in February whereas juveniles of the penaeid
shrimpMetav Penaeus monoceros dominated in May. In haule of various nets the following species of shrimps were represented: L. styliferia , with an occasional spiceman of M.affinis , M.brevicornis and Penaeus merguiensis. The Juveniles of these shrimps as well as those of to be used a seed in future fish and shrimp culture programmes which may develop in the area . From the standpoint of shellfish farming the discovery of the juveniles of the finest food crab soylla serrate in the estuary is also significant . The estuary also crab serves as a nursery for the juveniles of the gastropod Telescopium telescopium which also has great potential for farming. The present exploratory survey also shows the occurrence of about 25 species of small finfish in the Delta .