The present investigation were aimed initially at the primary productivity of the Ramli stream used for supplying running water to experimental bonds employed to study the breeding biology and behaviour of mahseer. These investigation are important as masher as economically as important fish but very difficult to breed. It is of utmost important to know A=-biotic and biotic factors operating and impetrating a particular fish fauna. Our investigation showed that a temperature of 16-34c and dissolved oxygen are important controlling factor in the breading this fish. Besides , phyto- and zooplankton, of the stream describing with reference to those one on which the fish predate upon such as Cyclops Magnus, diplomas sp. Daphnia sp. Moina brachitata chydorus ovalis. Other A-biotic factors like ph and phosphate content are described for reference.
Growth rate of the fish under different dietary conditions have been worked out, using length-weight relationships. two running water ponds and four acquiring were employed in the study. The investigations show that 35% protein in the fish diet is best suited for adequate growth rate and breeding of B.pituitore.
The length-weight relationship showed that w=antilog (-3.7590227+2.4026106 log l.).
Feeding behaviour is inhibited by the stimuli and oriented byortherikinases, through telotaxics light reaction play important role. Food orientation is impressed by paulovion classical conditioning.
Diurnal short length and long length migration are supported by protein behaviral which acts as energy conservation mechanism. Both zigzagging pattern and loping is observed.
Sexual behaviour breeding start in the ending of April and lost upto middle of sept.
Spawing was induced in the fish by giving induction of preservation pituitary in a ratio of 5 mg/kg of the body weight of the fish. Spewing occurred after 7-7 hours of the injection.