The area of investigation, north-east along fort-sandeman-Brunj Kili, covers 120 square lying on survey of Pakistan topo sheet 39E/6 and 39E/10. It is a part of axial belt of Baluchistan Geosyncline, mainly consisting of Mesozoie sediments in which the calcareous rocks are significant. It is also characterized by igneous activity which some metallic occurrences.
The sedimentary rocks of the mapped area include lime stone, shale and unconsolidated sediments ranging in age from Triassic to recent. The igneous rocks of the area consist of intrusive and hypabyssal type. The intrusive rocks are predominantly ultra-basic and widely scattered within the Zhizha basin associated with sedimentary components of Parh group.
Structurally area can be divided into two major syncline, namely Zhizha and shinlaki. Their axes striking NNE and NNW respectively. The area is traversed by number of transverse faults.
As for economic geology is concerned, serpentinized harzbuigite bears disseminated chromite, traces of malachite stain on its fracture surfaces and chrysotile asbestos which occurs as thin veins.
The fluorite of hydrothermal origin is in veins associated with calcite in the Triassic shale of Alozai group. The veins consist mainly of calcite with the occasional patches or lenses of fluorite. So far no deposits large enough to be economically exploited have been found in the area.
Summarizing the significant results of the work, it can be said that as a result of this work (a) the geology of area is now known in more details. (b) the economic potential is found to be rather low: (c) the fluorite occurrence is of more academic interest and commercial deposits are not found.