Aim: To compare the degree of post operative pain between laparoscopic and Lichtenstein surgery of inguinal
Setting: Surgical department, DHQ teaching Hospital, Sargodha
Duration of study: March, 2017 to December, 2017.
Methodology: 100 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included. They were divided into two groups A and
B. The group A was with laparoscopic procedure and group B was with Lichtenstein's surgery.
Results: On 4th post operative week in Group A, 38% patients had mild pain, 12% patients had moderate pain
and no patient with severe pain, while in group B, 36% patients had mild pain, and 32% patients had complaint of
moderate pain and 12% patients had severe pain. On 8th post operative week in Group A, only 12% patients had
mild pain while in group B, 36% patients had moderate pain and no patient with severe pain.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic repair is safe and has minimum post operative effects as compared to Lichtenstein