Aim: To determine the acceptable shape of frontal hair line in cases of male hair transplant.
Study Design: Prospective Descriptive study.
Place and duration: Department of Plastic Surgery, Bashir Hospital, Sialkot from January 2016 to April 2018.
Methods: Male patients with typical male baldness patterns were serially included in the study. Informed consent
was taken both for the surgery and purpose of research. inclusion criteria ; male patients with age ranging from 25
to 35 years, male baldness pattern type I to type III according to classification. They were offered two common
patterns for frontal hair line. Pattern 1. Wide Circular shaped; pattern 2. V shaped. However patients were also
called for follow up after three months to see the late complications. Opinion of acceptance was sought from
patients and one group was observed by the other group and opinion taken. Group I patients were seen by Group II
patients and vice versa and remarks as acceptable and unacceptable by the patients while good and
recommended, acceptable and unacceptable by the other group i.e. observers were made.
Results: Total 120 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria of the study were included.
Conclusion. Patients for hair transplant in our society like pattern 2 for their frontal hair line as it gives more
aesthetic results which look like normal grown up hairs.