By analyzing the effects of P53 inhibitors and ladder climbing exercise on P53 mRNA transcription in skeletal
muscle of mice, the application of P53 mRNA in signal transduction mechanism of skeletal muscle cells was studied.
Several clean ICR mice were fed for experiment. The experimental mice were divided into groups to analyze the effect
of P53 inhibitor on P53 mRNA transcription in gastrocnemius muscle of mice. The mice were randomly divided into The
application of P53 mRNA in signal transduction mechanism of skeletal muscle cells was studied, and the corresponding
endurance exercise program and ladder climbing training program were designed. According to the research, exercise is
to some extent a stimulating factor affecting P53 inhibitor. Endurance training and injection of P53 inhibitor affect P53
mRNA content. Exercise has a benign effect on ICR mice injected with P53 inhibitor. The expression of P53 mRNA in
skeletal muscle was significantly affected by climbing training in youth, and decreased by climbing training in old age.
However, there was no difference between long-term climbing training and short-term climbing training in the
expression of P53 mRNA in skeletal muscle.