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Preferred Choice of Teaching Methodology - Teacher Centered or Student Centered?

Show simple item record AFZAL, IZAM LATIF, ANSAR ZAHEER, AYESHA ANSAR, ANILA CHAUDHARY, NAMRA AFGHAN, SHER 2022-10-24T09:05:01Z 2022-10-24T09:05:01Z 2017-12
dc.identifier.citation AFZAL, I., LATIF, A., & ZAHEER, A. Preferred Choice of Teaching Methodology-Teacher Centered or Student Centered?. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1996-7195
dc.description.abstract Aim: To statistically analyse the factors involved in popularity of both the teaching methods being practiced in medical colleges. Study design: Questionnaire based study. Place & duration of study: Department of General Surgery and Medical Education , Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College, Sialkot from November 2017 to May2018. Methods: Two categories for comments Group I - Teacher centered Teaching and Group II- Student centered Teaching (Modern) were made and results compiled. The questionnaire was to be filled completely and a time of 6 months was given to answer all questions. The respondents were supposed to comment on both systems upon each and every point they raised. The collected questionnaires were studied and any queries and ambiguities were made clear by talking to the doctors in person or on telephone. Those who incompletely filled the questionnaires were excluded from the study. Data was entered and analysis done by SPSS v 22. Results: One thousand students included in study were of public sector and private sector and 175 teachers .Group-I of Teacher centered Teaching & Group-II of Student centered Teaching (Modern) methods, In group-I comments , Teachers were 81% dominated, 90% teachers were interested & 55% were not interested,35% had problems with the classroom 70% had problems with the technology used, attendance of the students was 29% while regularity of teachers was 89% & syllabus coverage was 75%, 20% were having problems with the practical sessions, lack of teaching skills was in 35% & 60% gave inappropriate time to all students. In group-II comments , Teachers were 19% dominated, 10% teachers were interested & 45% were not interested,89% had problems with the classroom 30% had problems with the technology used, attendance of the students was 71% while regularity of teachers was 100% & syllabus coverage was 40%, 70% were having problems with the practical sessions, lack of teaching skills was in 45% & 20% gave inappropriate time to all students. Conclusion: Though there are numerous advantages being observed in modern teaching but the time tested traditional teaching has an impact of being sure method of covering syllabus as well as personal interaction of students and teachers and the assessments are more reliable. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences en_US
dc.subject Postgraduation en_US
dc.subject public sector en_US
dc.subject private sector en_US
dc.subject Traditional en_US
dc.subject Modern en_US
dc.title Preferred Choice of Teaching Methodology - Teacher Centered or Student Centered? en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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