The effects of various growing substrates, combinations of soil, silt, sand, press mud (PM) and rice hulls (RH) on plant growth, yield and quality of rose (Rosa hybrida L.) cvs. Kardinal, Anjlique and Gold Medal, were studied to standardize substrates for cut rose production and develop better management and quality production protocol. Plant height, number of
leaves branch-1, leaf area, number of flowers flush-1 plant-1, bud diameter, flower diameter, fresh and dry weight of a flower, flower quality, stem length and stem diameter were maximum when plants were grown in a medium containing combination of
Soil + PM + RH followed by Silt + PM and PM + RH. Moreover, plants raised in Soil + PM + RH produced early flowering. PM + RH contributed maximum leaf K contents while Silt + PM produced highest leaf Ca and Mg contents. Soil + Silt and Soil
+ Sand (traditional media used in the country for rose production) resulted poor plant growth and yield. Among cultivars, ‘Kardinal’ responded better to different substrates, while ‘Gold Medal’ was not affected. This study revealed that incorporation of agricultural by-products in traditional medium would help improve the yield and quality of cut roses.