This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of using foliar ABA application with different concentrations (50,100 and 150 µg/L-1) in order to decrease the adverse effect of water-deficit stress. The main parameters of interest were; growth parameters; endogenous phytohormones, proline; pigments contents; number and shape of stomata; minerals concentrations; isozymes; and SDS -PAGE protein profile in Pisum sativum plant at 36 days under drought and ABA treatments. The results showed that ABA reduces the reduction in both fresh and dry weights shoot and root of Pisum induced by drought stress. Proline content was increased in response to drought and ABA treatments. Water-stress caused
significant reduction in Chl. a, b, whereas application of ABA significantly increased in total chlorohpyll. Water stress significantly decreased IAA, GA concentrations and increased ABA level in leaves than these of the control. ABA treatment partially overcame the decrease in IAA and GA contents. Water stress and ABA increased the activity of (POD) and (ACP) enzymes in Pisum plants. Proteins profile of Pisum sativum in shoot revealed qualitative and quantitative changes, also appearance or disappearance of some bands. After 54 days the yield harvested and total carbohydrates and SDS -PAGE protein profile in seed were investigated. The data showed that total carbohydrates contents were significantly decreased in plant under drought and ABA partially alleviate the adverse effect of water-deficit stress