Present study was designed to find diversity patterns among fourteen lines of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Nine quantitative traits were determined phenotypically. Moreover the grain properties were also determined by laboratory procedures. Cluster analysis categorized cultivars into four groups. Based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the first seven components explained over 88% of genetic variation. Cluster analysis based on PCA using the first seven principal components indicated four separate groups of genotypes, with the maximum genetic distance observed between the genotypes in each cluster. Grain diameter, grain weight, gluten content, protein content, fiber, fat and starch contributed towards significant principal components (PCs). The genotypes 88146, Fareed-06, 6317 and 88132 were concluded as more diverse parents. Diverse parents from various clusters are helpful in planning and broadening the breeding programme by planning the crosses and increased use of heterosis and genetic diversity especially for grain quality in Pakistan.