In the present study, anatomic and ecologic characteristics of 5 Crocus L. taxa (C. baytopiorum Mathew, C. biflorus Miller subsp. crewei (Hooker) Mathew, C. biflorus subsp. isauricus (Siehe ex Bowles) Mathew, C. biflorus subsp. pseudonubigena Mathew and C. cancellatus Herbert subsp. cancellatus) were compared. These taxa have both endemic (except subsp. crewei) and limited distribution in Turkey. The subsp. isauricus subsp. crewei and C. baytopiorum are flowering in early spring whereas subsp. cancellatus and subsp. pseudonubigena are flowering in autumn. In anatomical studies, the cross-sections of the stem and leaves of these taxa were examined. Moreover, arms, keel, micropapillae, mesophyll, stomata types, shape of the epidermis cells, crystal types and vascular bundles properties of the leaves were investigated. The number and the status of vascular bundles in stem, the status of mesophyll layer in leaves of these taxa were asserted as important taxonomic characters. The chemical and physical analysis of the soil samples were also determined.