Growth is greatly affected by salt stress, which can be improved by the pretreatment of Salicylic acid (SA) before salt
stress. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of seeds presoaking in 50µM, 100µM and 1000µM Salicylic
acid on growth parameters of two mung bean genotypes (NM 19-19 and NM 20-21) under salinity stress (50 mM and 100 mM
NaCl ). It was found that salt reduced seedling length, fresh and dry weight of both genotypes, which decreased more as salt
concentration increased further. Presoaking treatments with SA reduced salinity-induced decline in length, fresh weight and dry
weight. However, pretreatment of high concentration of SA (1000 µM) prior to salt treatments was able to cause significant
reduction in mean seedling length in both genotypes. It was further noticed that genotype NM 19-19 showed less reduction in
the seedling length, fresh weight and dry weight under salt stress therefore seemed to be more salt tolerant than NM 20-21.