Duration of storage increased TSS and pH of tomato juice, while ascorbic acid content decreased gradually during
storage. Carotenoids content increased approximately 3.5 times during storage in tomato because of advancement of
ripening stage. During ripening chlorophyll gradually degrades and the carotenoid synthesis is enhanced. Increased levels of
lycopene in tomato during storage might also be due to ripening of tomato fruits. The spoilage in fruits gradually increased
in all cultivars with the advancement of storage period. Spoilage of fruits started on 6th day of storage in all cultivars except
Avinash-2. The average shelf life of tomato fruits ranged from 6-12 days among cultivars based on 40% spoilage. The
lowest shelf life of 6 days was noted in H-86 and highest of 12 days in Avinash-2. It was concluded that the tomato
harvested at breaker stage may be utilized for almost one week along with increased contents of carotenoids and lycopene
compensated for the decreased levels of acidity and ascorbic acid contents