Ruellia linearibracteolata Lindau is an endangered taxon in the southern region of Pakistan. Being exposed to harsh
environmental conditions and subjected to multiple threats including habitat loss, grazing activities and soil erosion, Hence
an urgent conservation strategy is required to avoid its extirpation. In this connection an experiment has been conducted to
study its response to different growth hormones. Seeds from the wild were germinated in vitro and then aseptically grown
seedlings were used as a source of explant. The efficiency of MS medium was thoroughly examined by augmenting
different growth hormones. The cultures maintained in appropriate conditions with subculture after 6-7 months. 1.5 mg/l
BAP along with 0.5 mg/l Kin and 0.5 mg/l NAA produced the highest number (5.80) of shoots with 58.0% shoot
regeneration frequency. While, IBA (1.0 mg/l) produced maximum number (2.2) of roots along with the highest rooting
frequency (95%)