This study was carried out to determine the effects of mechanical scarification and cold treatment of seeds at + 4o C before sowing seed of Pistacia atlantica. In these cases, the durations at cold temperature, which have been taken into account, are successively 60, 50, 40, and 30 days. After these periods, the rate of germination and the speed of germination are calculated every 4 days. The rates of germinations concerning the not scarified seeds having undergone a cold treatment lasting 50 days are the most important that is a value of 39% from the 09-05-2010 until the 29-05-2010. The speed germination is maximum that is 89 germinated seeds /4 days. In addition this same rate reaches a maximum of 70%. Concerning the pistachio tree seeds of the atlas treated mechanically with duration of cold treatment at + 4o C during 30 days. For the same category of seed the speed of germination is maximum that is 214 seeds/4 days. Thus the scarification
and the 30 days stay are the fastest means which allow to obtain the seedlings of pistachio tree in a rather short time.