The objective of this study was to determine the effects of peat and mixture (peat:perlite:sand (1:1:1 v:v:v) growing media on length, diameter, weight of fruit, fruit number per plant, yield, ascorbic acid content and total soluble solid of fruit of some pepper cultivars under greenhouse conditions. Pepper cultivars (Charliston 52, E9383A, E1988 and Topepo Rosso) were grown in peat or peat+perlite+sand (1:1:1) media in polyethylene bags. The fruits of four pepper cultivars were harvested in two maturation stage eg., green and red stages, and some quality parameters such as ascorbic acid and total soluble solids were determined. The results of the study showed that mixture media significantly increased length, diameter and weight of fruit in all cultivars grown compared to peat. On the other hand, ascorbic acid content, total soluble solids of fruit, the fruit number per plant and yield were higher at peat grown plants than the mixture. Furthermore, different maturing stage significantly affected ascorbic acid content and total soluble solids of pepper cultivars. It results from the study that peat growing media could be successfully used to obtain better quality and yield.