Mercury is harmless in an insoluble form, such as mercuric sulfide, but it is poisonous in soluble forms such
as mercuric chloride or methylmercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin. Outbreaks of mercuric chloride poisonings have made it clear that adults, children, and developing fetuses are at risk from ingestion exposure to mercury. It is very important and interesting to study the reaction of mercuric chloride and Glutathione as biomarker of Glutathione role in detoxification and conjugation in components (Plasma and Cytosolic Fraction). The effect of mercuric chloride’s different concentrations was examined on GSH present in plasma and cytosolic fraction. Decrease in GSH level was dependant on mercuric chloride concentration. The decrease in GSH level of blood components was more prominent with the time of incubation of mercuric chloride. Decrease in the concentration of reduced state Glutathione may be due the interaction of reduced state Glutathione (GSH) and mercuric chloride to form oxidized Glutathione (GSSG) or mercuric-glutathione complex. This change in GSH metabolic status provides information regarding the role of GSH in detoxification of mercuric chloride. The effect of mercury metal on Glutathione in blood components has been discussed in this paper in vitro condition as a model for in Vivo condition.