Objective: To determine the frequency of stress hyperglycemia among patientswith acute left ventricular failure.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the in thedepartment of cardiology, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar fromSeptember 2013-August 2014. Patients presenting acute left ventricular failurewere included in the study in a consecutive manner and subjected tomeasurement of blood glucose level and observations were recorded data wasanalysis on SPSS 22 with p<0.05 taken as significant.
Results: In this study 171 patients were included, 60.2% were male. Mean ageof the patients was 58.7 ±7.9 years. Most of the patients (71.4%) were between50.01 to 70.00 years. Of the whole sample, 46.8% were hypertensive, 39.8% hadhistory of coronary artery disease and 53.8% were having BMI beyond 22.9.Mean admission plasma glucose level of the sample was 133+24.1mg/dl with33.3% patients having stress hyperglycemia.
Conclusion: Stress hyperglycemia is frequent occurrence in our population withleft ventricular failure.