Floral parts of Crocus sativus L., were cultured on MS medium supplementedwith various concentrations of kinetin and naphthalene acetic acid. Excised explants from style, perianth, stamen filament and ovary showed differentreactions in vitro. Stigma-like structures appeared at different frequencies directly or indirectly through meristematic tissue on colourless style and perianth explants. Direct stigma-like structures were frequently produced in the form of bundled groups and intensely pigmented at the basal cut ends of colourless style and perianth explants. Indirect stigma-like structures usually regenerated in large numbers on the surface of the calli and up to 100 per explant were obtained on colourless style explants in medium containing 5 mgl(-1) of kinetin and 5 mgl(-1) of naphthalene acetic acid. After successive subculturing or continuous cultures on solid media, complete or incomplete neoformed floral buds formed on colourless style and perianth explants in media with high concentrations of kinetin. At higher concentrations of both kinetin and naphthalene acetic acid many indirect stigma-like structures were also produced on stamen filament and colourful style explants.