Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield trial nurseries comprised of a large proportion of lines with the 1B/IR translocation that has associated with it several positive agronomic and pathological attributes. 'Ihirty eight entries were evaluated in three categories (i.e. normal, short and rainfed) in the. 1989-90 National Uniform Wheat Yield Trials (NUWYT) of Pakistan. "Pak-81", "Faisalabad-83" and nLyallpur-73N served as checks for each category. There was an overall predominance of lines with the 1B/ IR translocation with a cumulative frequency of slightly over 60%. 'Ihe 1B/ IR entries 40%, 61.5% and 84.6% for the normal, short, and rainfed durations, respectively. Acid-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (A-PAGE) and Giemsa C-banding identification of the 1B/ IR or 1B homozygous lines was perfectly correlated and either procedure could be used for analysis based upon convenience and facilities. Seed purification necessity was identified for a few entries.