The genus Neopsilenchus Thome & Malek, 1968 is divided into two subgenera –Neopsilenchus (n.rank) and Acusilenchus n.subgen. Neopsilenchus (Neopsilenchus) n.rank is characterized by its stylet cylindroid, lumen distinct, conus asymmetrical, bent dorsally or ventrally, for the species N. (N) magnidens, N. (N) similis, N. (N)
minor, N. (N) affinis, N. (N) peshwarensis n.sp. and N. (N) curvistylus n.sp. Neopsilenchus (Acusilenchus) n.subgen., is distinguished by its straight sharply pointed, needle-like, solid appearing conus, for the species N. (A) citri, N. (A)longicaudatus, N. (A) noctiscriptus, N. (A) varians and N. (A) bilineatus n.sp. A key to the subgenera and species ofNeopsilenchus is given. Neopsilenchus (Neopsilenchus) peshawarensis n.sp. N. (N)
curvistylusn.sp. and N. (Acusilenchus) bilineatus n.sp. are described.