Eight nematode specii. of the genern Switturnettur and II Flemoriecddeles Pakisranotv. S. asifell'ciitni ahhavi, S. siurnkeilyai, allPrOCCIPSCV, S. felgela indim and it ber•criopilora were cultured to vivo on three insect species, in Lillo• oil sp rit i1our, wheat flour. lipid media, corn flour and on asscrnhla8e culture on Galleria MiTtionelice lair•a kind lipid mollified media for ilia K4 Scale to eissess their production putontial. On in vivo culturt:. dt the highest cortuvritrutton the production of inkerive juveniles vitae 60 x 104 to 87.4 x 10' IJ J trom each lurva of C. me/tune/fa 4.2 104to 9. x 1041.1s revin i:aelt adult of Callosen5ruchtis zhine)nsis anti 0.3 h to 1.7 104 IJs from each larva of 21.riliolirern Canale0iFPC. Soya 1101.4T LTIC:dilini gave the MS111:3i Population as uoniparcd to other mcdia. Thc minimum multiplication was found in cum flour medium. As computed no cultured sepuriitcly, the production yr infectivc juveniles 'um:mum:Al approxirnAtcl:c two fold in a.ssernblaste medium. in 1.1/11,0 production of Us in Cr. pnciicem://e; lame and in viirci soya flour medium were also exposed to four dificrent temperatur.. Maximum production 01l all other species .was round. an 12 1 .7."CS, Mitiez.? which gave *hem production ut .2(.1 a 2T. The present envegiEntion Sara be valuable.: tau strains of entyletyputhogcnic nematode; for mass production on large scale ro provide protection to exops against inscc.:ts.