This srudy was conducted to investigate the effect of washing on motility, liveability (hours) and absolute index of liveability of buffalo bull spermatozoa at 37°C. Five pooled (1st and 2nd ejaculate) samples from each of the two buffalo bulls were collected. Each pooled ejaculate was divided into five aliquots (A, ro E). Of these, B to E were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes. The seminal plasma was removed from aliquots C, D and E while aliquot B was kept as such having intact seminal plasma. Aliquot D was given single washing while aliquot E was subjected to double washing with sodium citrate solution. The remaining fifth aliquot A served as control. Treated and control aliqouts were diluted at I: I 0 with extender (milk-egg yolk-glycerol) and incubated at 37uc. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that removal of seminal plasma and washing with sodium citrate solution have a beneficial effect on liveability of buffalo bull spermatozoa. However, double washing of spermatozoa yielded better results than other treatments as well as control.