Forty four roasting sites of Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula kranten) located in five districts of Central Punjab were sampled for tree composition and location of nest cavities. In all, 5451 cavities were located, with Saimalia rnalabarica being the dominant (35.21%) followed by Eucalyptus spp. (16.20%), Terrninalia arjuna 110. 84% ), Dalbergia sisso (7 . 14 % ), Cedrella toona (2.32 %), Eugenea jambolena (1. 46 %), Mangifera indica (1.24%), Jaccaranda thintostfolia (1.15%), Ficus bengalensis (1.01%), and Erythrina saberosa (0.40%). All these parakeet roosts consisted of a variety of food items, and it was concluded that the availability of food was a major factor for an overwhelming population in all roosts.