The objective of this study was to compare four different obturation techniques in obturating ar-tificially created internal resorptive defects. Thirty extracted, human maxillary central incisor teeth were collected for the study. Access cavity was prepared in each tooth. The teeth were instrumented to apical size 50. The roots were sectioned horizontally 7 mm from the apex. Semicircular cavities were created using a No 6 round diamond bur. Cyanocrylate glue was used to join the sectionstogether. The teeth were radiographed to visualize the internal resorption cavity. The teeth were randomly divided into three groups (n=10) according to obturation technique; standard lateral condensation carries based (Thermafill) orthermoplastized gutta perchae using Obtura. After obturation both mesio distal and bucco lingual radiographs were taken to access the quality of obturation. Obtura group showed significantly complete obturation in all the ten samples followed by samples oburated with thermafill while lateral condensation showed the least obturation of the resorptive defect