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Prevalence, knowledge, attitude and practices towards premenstrual syndrome among university students in Islamabad and its impact on their daily life.

Show simple item record Majeed, Sadaf Moin, Hira Shafi, Riffat Irshad, Khurram Ashraf, Ifra Janjua, Kholood 2019-11-29T05:03:47Z 2019-11-29T05:03:47Z 2019-01-01
dc.description.abstract Objectives: To assess the prevalence of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), knowledge, attitude and practices towards PMS, frequency of different premenstrual symptoms and impact of PMS on daily life among university students in Islamabad Methodology: This was a cross sectional study comprising of 350 female students of Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University selected randomly using convenience sampling. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires and was analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results: The prevalence of PMS and PMDD was 80.6% and 71.7%, respectively. Affective symptoms were more common than somatic symptoms. 52.6% participants knew about PMS. 76.7% of the students with PMS reported that PMS disturbed their normal routine but only 42.6% discuss with their family about PMS and 14.6% consult a doctor for the same. However, 83.1% participants thought that PMS was significant an issue to be discussed. The commonest treatment strategies used were traditional remedies (50.0%) followed by pain killers (49.3%). Conclusion: PMS is a prevalent health issue among university students of Islamabad, which significantly disturbs their academic, social and emotional well- being. Appropriate strategies should be devised to increase the awareness of the women regarding PMS and to change the approach of general population towards this important health problem, which will help the young girls in dealing effectively with the negative impact of PMS on their lives. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Rawal Medical Journal en_US
dc.subject Medical and Health Sciences en_US
dc.subject Premenstrual syndrome en_US
dc.subject Premenstrual dysphoric disorder en_US
dc.title Prevalence, knowledge, attitude and practices towards premenstrual syndrome among university students in Islamabad and its impact on their daily life. en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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