The manifold cell organization permitted extraneous hydrophobic compounds to react with the existing compounds inside the cell. The carcinogenic and lipophilic environmental toxins PAH provoked detrimental and noxious compounds in the interior of the cell. The cell sustained reaction and diffusion mechanism with those lipophilic compounds. The heterogeneous cell configuration grew into mosaic by virtue of the embranous architectures in the vicinity of the cytoplasm. The establishment of those conglomerate cytoplasmic membranous organelles in 2D axisymmetric geometry was absurd therefore 3D geometry was constructed. The model had been formulated in ComsolMultiphysics by adopting the homogenization approach. The counter collation of the simulated results of 3D and 2D axisymmetric model were investigated. The commendable affinity demonstrated by the results encouraged to extend the model by introducing diminutive cytoplasmic organelles in addition with more convoluted reaction chains.