Ki netics of the gas phase deconposition of 2-ethoxypropene has been studied over the temperature range 544-635 K at a pressure between 3 and 72 torr. Ethene and propanone, fomed in equimolar amunt ( ± 4 Z), were the major products and accounted for of the total reaction. These products are forned by homogeneous, non-radical , pathways with the high pressure rate constant given by the equation:
-1 12.51±0 .25 -1
= 10 exp(-184.6 ± 2.8 KJ
The other products identified were n-butane, 2-rrethy1prop-2-ena1 , bu tanone and 2-pentanone in ratios of approxirrntely 0.01 0.015 : 0.03 : 0.07 relative to ethene respectively. The kinetics and "Echanims for the formation of these products are discussed in detail .