Computationally efficient architectures of multirate recursive filters are presented
in this thesis. An analytical transformation is introduced that converts an IIR filter
into an efficient decimation/interpolation filter. The transformation is named as
merged delay transformation. This transformation is applicable to first order and
second order recursive difference equations. The transfer function of the
transformed filter is expressed in the form of H(z M ) so that noble identity of
multirate signal processing may be invoked. An N th order filter is required to be
implemented in parallel using first order and second order sections.
In case of decimation, a down sampler follows an anti-aliasing filter. With the help
of merged delay transformation, the filter is transformed and arranged to provide
filtering and down sampling in the same stage. This is possible if the filter is
implemented in parallel form. Architecture is introduced where down samplers
and delays are arranged on the input side. A commutator switch model operating
at an M-times higher rate than the output can replace the input down samplers
with successive delays. This results in M-to-1 sample rate reduction without
changing the filter characteristics. The frequency response and stability of the
filter is not disturbed.
In case of interpolation, an up sampler precedes an anti-imaging filter. Using
merged delay transformation we are able to arrange the up samplers after the
sub-filters in parallel paths with successive delays. The up samplers and delays
are implemented by a commutator switch model operating at L-times faster rate
Ph.D Thesis UET, Taxila. 2008
12than the input. Output sampling rate is increased by L and 1-to-L interpolation is
achieved. The stability and filter characteristics are unchanged. Filtering and
sample rate changes are achieved in the same stage. This avoids the chain of
integrators and differentiators as required in a variety of cascade integrator comb
(CIC) architectures.
Computational costs in terms of number of multiplies per output sample are
compared with polyphase FIR structures and IIR structures. The cost reduction
increases with increasing values of M or L. For M = 10, the reduction in cost is
82.64% as compared to FIR decimation filters. As compared to IIR structures, the
reduction of the order of 48% is achieved. In case of interpolation, the cost
reduction is of the order of 45% as compared to polyphase IIR structures. The
reduction in cost is about 68% as compared to polyphase FIR.
The transformed filters are implemented in Verilog HDL and mapped to an FPGA
of Spartan-II technology. Parallel implementation of the filters provides benefits of
parallel processing. Increased throughput and less hardware requirement are the
important characteristics of this architecture. The technique is expected to find
wide use in multirate signal processing such as efficient sample rate conversion
from CD’s to Digital Audio Tape and Digital Transmitter/Receivers