dc.description.abstract |
Thorough investigations regarding the effects of Ni doping on Fe site in LaFeO3 on the structural,
electronic, ac electrical, dielectric and magnetic properties has been performed using synchrotron
X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption, dc magnetization, Mossbauer and impedance spectroscopy.
Polycrystalline LaFe1-xNixO3 (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.3 & 0.5) oxides were prepared by the solid state
reactions method. The results and brief relevant theoretical introduction of each experimental
technique are presented and discussed in a separate chapter. Chapter 1 encircles brief description
of the importance of LaFe1-xNixO3, importance of the experimental techniques used for these
characterizations, motivations and objectives of the present study. The synthesized samples are
the orthorhombically distorted derivatives of an ideal perovskite structure. Anomalous variations
in the perovskite distortions have been observed and attributed to the energy effects associated
with partial filling of the degenerate orbitals and the hybridization of the localized orbitals at
cations and anions, invoked by Ni doping in LaFeO3.
To investigate the effects of Ni doping on the oxidation state, spin state and magnetic ordering of
Fe cations in LaFO3,
Fe Mossbauer experiment (at room temperature) and dc magnetization
measurements between 4K and 400K have been performed. The iron is present in high spin 3+
and 4+ oxidation states. Density of Fe4+ increases with Ni doping. Fe3+ cations in LaFeO3 are
antiferromagnetically ordered. The weak ferromagnetic component in M-H curves is due to the
canted spin structure of Fe cations in LaFeO3. Temperature independence of the saturation
magnetization associated with this weak ferromagnetic component strongly suggests that the
degree of spin canting is invariant with between 4K and 400K. A progressive collapse of the
magnetically ordered state of Fe in LaFeO3 to a spin disordered state on Ni doping has been
observed and discussed in terms of increase in the spin relaxation frequency and dilution of the
Fe3+ sublattice (five unpaired spins: t2g3,eg2) by Fe4+ (four unpaired spins: t2g3,eg1) and low spin
Ni2+/Ni3+ cations. The possibility of any transition of the Fe3+ from the high spin state to low spin
state and hence its role to mediate this collapse in the magnetically ordered state has been totally
excluded. Analysis of the Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectra in the XANES and EXAFS regions
confirmed the results of Mossbauer spectroscopy and XRD regarding oxidation state of Fe and
octahedral deformations, respectively. Ni is found as Ni3+ in LaFe0.9Ni0.1O3 and the density of
Ni2+ increases with further Ni doping.
Temperature dependence of the position and strength of the ac electrical relaxations indicates that
the electrical conduction and dielectric polarization in LaFe1-xNixO3 are due to the small polaronic
hoping of the holes state between Fe4+ and Fe3+. The observed colossal value of the dielectric
constant in LaFeO3 is an extrinsic effect and its origin lies in the extended defects at grain-grain
and sample-electrode interfaces. Variations in the resistance and the capacitance associated with
grain and grain boundaries has been conferred in terms of the density of the electrical charge
carriers, potential barriers height at grain boundaries and thickness of the grain boundaries.
O K-edge XANES spectra shows the growth of two new important conduction bands with doping
Ni in LaFeO3. One is the localized conduction band „L‟, associated with the holes states
introduced at the iron cations. The other band „m‟ is of itinerant nature and is due to the
hybridization of O2p states with Ni3d states. From the increase in spectral intensity of „L‟ or the
concentration of Fe4+ (hoping channel for the localized conduction), a progressive increase in the
mobility and decrease in the activation energy for hoping of the localized electrical charge carriers
was expected and observed. From the simultaneous growth of both of these bands, a competition
between these two parallel conductions in LaFe1-xNixO3 can be predicted. Dominancy of either the
itinerant or localized type conduction in any composition of LaFe1-xNixO3 is determined by the
dominancy of these conduction bands. Metallic character in LaFe1-xNixO3 increased progressively
with increasing Ni. This again was in accordance to the growing intensity of the delocalized
conduction band „m‟. Although, the activation energy for hoping of holes between Fe4+ and Fe3+
decreased with the increase in Ni doping, however, localized type conductivity associated with
the iron lattice remained non-zero even in half doped sample „LaFe0.5Ni0.5O3‟. It indicated that the
holes introduced into the iron cations were localized and the itinerant behavior of the electrical
charge carriers associated with the iron cations have not completely established. The composition
dependent metal to insulator transition in LaFe1-xNixO3 is associated dominantly with the metallic
character at the Ni sites rather than the new holes state at the Fe cations. |
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