The prime goal of design and synthesis of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms
and architectures is to meet the throughput requirements of an application in a
hardware-economic fashion. Economics of hardware implementation includes an
improvement in resource utilization, and power consumption, in the context of widely
accepted application performance metrics, such as design throughput, spectral purity,
and algorithmic precision. DSP tasks are usually computationally intensive and
involve complex operations in real or pseudo-real-time. Choice of implementation
hardware platform thus depends upon application requirements such as minimum data
rate and signal fidelity keeping within the resource utilization and power consumption
budgets. Realization of such cost effective hardware systems requires use of several
complexity reduction methods and optimization techniques.
Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) include complex slice
fabric, intricate routing architectures, large input lookup tables, and specialized
hardware blocks. Apart from the configurable logic blocks and routing structure
present in classical FPGAs, modern FPGAs have built-in computational blocks for
specialized functions. However, optimal system performance, in terms of clock speed,
device utilization ratio, and power consumption, can only be achieved with
meticulous and careful use of these advanced and specialized hardware resources.
Standardized design optimizations used in Application Specific Integrated Circuits
(ASICs) cannot be directly employed for algorithms to be implemented on FPGAs
because of the fixed layout and routing structure of FPGAs. Harnessing the power and
flexibility of FPGAs to their full potential to achieve requisite performance and
efficiency gains for these cutting-edge applications, necessitates development of
customized algorithmic and architectural optimizations.
This work concerns two major domains of DSP hardware implementations,
firstly, to gain performance enhancement by optimal mapping of digital designs onto
the FPGA hardware and secondly, to architect algorithmic transformations for
modifying the application architecture to the one more conformant to FPGA
implementation. Which in turn, involves the reduction of computational complexity
by reducing the number of multipliers and adders as well as achieving the higher data
rates through pipelining and efficient encoding.
vAdvanced optimizations and customizations for core DSP applications, such
as Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters,
complex multipliers, various architectural transformations of multi-input adders,
Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC), and multi-rate interpolation and
decimation filter implementations have been proposed during the course of this work.
Furthermore, this thesis proposes novel design methodologies for generating
architectures for optimal mapping on these modern FPGAs containing specialized
computational blocks and hardware functional units. The new methods keep in
perspective the architectural peculiarities of the target FPGAs, and additionally, apply
transformations to achieve higher throughput. The resulting architectures have shown
substantial improvement over state of the art designs reported in literature.