Tendon grafting procedure is done either by direct first stage tendons
graft implantation or as two stage procedure by implanting silicon rubber
rod in first stage and then replacing it with a tendon graft in second stage.
In this study a research has been carried out to compare strength and
morphology of grafted tendons with and with out first stage silicon rubber
rod implantation. This is the first research done in medical history to explore
whether by doing two stage tendon grafting there is any advantageous
effects on strength and morphology of grafted tendon as compared to one
stage direct tendon grafting.
Although according to J.P Holman (Experimental Methods by J.P
Holman) three readings are enough for establishing the tensile strength of
any material, however in the study thirty Palmaris Longus tendons of badly
mutilated hands (all of them ended in above wrist amputations) were used to
get the results. As far as strength and morphology are concerned the results
of research are in the favour of two stage tendon grafting, with use of silicon
rod in the first stage