This study contributes to literature in four ways to explore the dynamics of stock price
synchronicity (SPS). Firstly, it tests the weak form of market efficiency. Secondly, measures the
effect of information environment on SPS by using firm specific variables i.e. liquidity,
illiquidity, cost of information, trading cost and investor attention. Thirdly, this study attempts to
investigate the relationship between information environment and foreign investment. Fourthly,
role of information environment premium or SPS premium in explaining equity returns is
This study investigates the weak form of efficiency of Karachi stock exchange using a set of
parametric and non-parametric tests that include Jarque-Bera and Kolmogrov-Smirnov (KS) test
for normality, autocorrelation and Run test for autocorrelation, Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF)
and Phillips-Perron (PP) for stationarity and multiple variance ratio (MVR) test. The results of
the study indicate that daily, weekly and monthly returns do not follow random walk. So,
investors can use technical analysis to devise investment strategies.
This study also examines the relationship between SPS and firm specific variables associated
with information environment. Results indicate that age, size, institutional ownership, book to
market ratio, trading cost, liquidity, illiquidity and returns have significant impact on SPS.
Various proxies of liquidity and illiquidity are used to test the robustness of results. These
proxies include volume, turnover rate, value traded, Amihud illiquidity and percentage of zero
volume days. The results suggest that the differences in idiosyncratic volatility are not linked
with the more or less information of firm specific attributes. It appears to be linked with noise in
returns. Findings of this study are in line with West (1988) and Lettau Malkiel and Xu (2001).
This study further suggests that low stock price synchronicity is a result of imbedding of firm
specific variables information in to stock prices. If quality of information environment is good,
market model R square will be higher represented by large institutional holding, greater age,
lower trading cost, large size, value stocks, low illiquidity, high liquidity and large information
In next phase, this study examines the relationship between foreign investment and information
environment. Results indicate that Institutional ownership, age, trading cost, size, liquidity and
illiquidity influence foreign investment. Institutional ownership, size and percentage of zero
volume days have significant and positive impact on foreign investment and trading activities
have negative association with foreign investment. Such deviations might be the effect of
herding, noise trading and instable dynamics of emerging markets.
Finally, this study explores the impact of size premium, value premium, information efficiency
premium on average equity returns using the methodology proposed by Fama and French (1992,
1993). Result indicates that size premium, values premium and information efficiency premium
are priced by the market. Market premium, size premium, value premium and information
efficiency premium significantly explain equity returns in single factor, three factor and four
factor model. Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is valid for explaining average equity returns
but multifactor model captures additional information. Therefore, it can be concluded that size
premium, value premium and information efficiency premium are considered as systematic risk
and priced by the market.