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Effects of Serotonin-1A Agonist and Stress on Memory Enhancing and Reinforcing Effects of Methyphenidate and Caffeine

Show simple item record Akber, Nazia 2019-10-17T05:10:43Z 2020-04-11T15:12:28Z 2020-04-11T15:12:28Z 2017
dc.identifier.govdoc 17656
dc.description.abstract CNS stimulents seem to be effects for depreshiun,cognitiv dsordrs and obesity but are addictive. Buprune, is a 5HT agnist. cognitiv improving dsignedects of methylfhenidate and cafeine in RETSSS exposed to 2hr imobilizatiun stres. Reinforing dsignedects of drog were munitored as drog-induced behaviorl sentizatiun .Cognitiv performance and drog-induced enhancement of memury were munitored in a Moris Water Mase Test.  Methyphenidate, a pscychstimulantis usually prescribed for tretment of ADHD. Repeted adminstrathiun of methylfhenidate ata doze of 0.5 mgg/kgg dose produces anorexia, behaviorl sentizatiun, anxiolytic and memury enhncing dsignedects but stres exposure impaired memury more than in water treted animls.  Coffe, as a source of cafeine is used to munitor its dsignedects un behaviorl sentizatiun and memury. Coffe ata doze of 0.5 gm/kg dose administed repetedly produced behaviorl sentizatiun and hyphophagic dsignedects. Exposure to 2hr imobilizatiun stres potentiated these dsignedects. The memury wes inhanced in RETSSS treted with coffe which sugests inhanced cognitiv profile of coffe but exposure to 2hr imobilizatiun stres attenuted the memury enhncing dsignedects of coffe and potentiates the behaviorl sentizatiun and hypophagic dsignedects.  Buprune is 5-HT1A presynaptic receptr agnist with anxiolytic activity. Buprune potentiated the hyphophagic dsignedects induce by methlphenidate and attenuted methylfhenidate induced behaviorl sentizatiun, It could be DSIGNEDEFACTIVE in treating methylfhenidate induce renforcement in ADHD individuals .The memury enhncing dsignedects of methylfhenidate were also attenuted by repeted adminstrathiun of buprune .  Cafeine induced behaviorl sentizatiun in the animls, which wes dose dependent. Buprune attenuted behaviorl sentizatiun as well as memury enhncing dsignedects of coffe. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Higher Education Commission, Pakistan en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher University of Karachi, Karachi en_US
dc.subject Biochemistry en_US
dc.title Effects of Serotonin-1A Agonist and Stress on Memory Enhancing and Reinforcing Effects of Methyphenidate and Caffeine en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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