Image processing is being successfully applied in many areas medical research such
as computer aided diagnosis, tumor imaging and treatment, angiography, and carotid
artery plaque detection. For medical image analysis, segmentation is an intermediate
step to segregate region of interest from the background. The ultimate goal of
segmentation is to identify the part of the data array that makes up an object in the
real world. Many imaging modalities are in practice for disease diagnosis. Among
those, owing to noninvasive nature, ultrasound imaging provides an invaluable tool
for disease diagnosis. Major limitations faced by ultrasound imaging modality include
low quality, inherent noise, and wave interferences. Consequently, a substantial effort
from radiologists is required to extract constructive information about a particular
disease. In this regard, an efficient and accurate computer aided diagnostic system for
ultrasound images is highly desirable for disease (plaque) diagnosis.
Carotid arteries are vital arteries that supply oxygen rich blood to the brain.
Carotid artery stenosis is the process of narrowing the carotid artery due to the
presence of atherosclerosis. The plaque may partially or fully block the blood flow to
the brain and the probability of cerebrovascular stroke becomes high. Ultrasound
imaging is used for detection of plaque in carotid artery. Due to lower quality and
other degradations, segmentation of carotid arteries ultrasound images becomes a
challenging task.
In this thesis, several segmentation techniques are proposed, which
successfully segment the carotid artery ultrasound images. Firstly, we have proposed
spatial fuzzy c-means modified (sFCMM) clustering technique and also investigated
effectiveness of ensemble clustering. The proposed sFCMM technique assigns weight
to each pixel in a sub-window according to the pixel’s contribution. The proposed
scheme required image pre-processing for noise reduction and hence segmentation
has been performed on filtered image. In another approach, we propose information
gain based fuzzy c-means clustering (IGFCM) algorithm that avoids the preprocessing
step and still yields better results compared to sFCMM technique. The
IGFCM approach exploits the concept of information gain to automatically update the
fuzzy membership function and cluster centeriods. However, from IGFCM segmented
images, it has been observed that some of the pixels of arterial walls are mislabeled by
IGFCM. In order to overcome this problem, a semi-supervised clustering approach
named robust segmentation and classification of ultrasound images (RSC-US) has
been proposed to segment carotid artery ultrasound images.
The RSC-US approach is composed of three phases. In the first phase, the
fuzzy inference system (FIS) is generated. In second phase, carotid artery ultrasound
images are segmented based on the generated FIS. Finally, a decision making system
has been designed to segregate the segmented images into normal or abnormal
subjects. The RSC-US approach did not utilize the spatial information of pixel’s
which plays a vital role in segmentation. Consequently, the spatial information has
also been explored and a new approach named robust fuzzy radial basis function
networks (RFRBFN) has been proposed to segment carotid artery ultrasound images.
The RFRBFN segments the carotid artery ultrasound images with high precision. Due
to the Lagrange function and a smoothing parameter, the RFRBFN might be
computationally expensive. Finally, an automatic active contour based segmentation
technique for carotid artery ultrasound images is proposed. This technique can
successfully segment natural scene as well as medical images.