Face recognition is a difficult problem that involves automated matching of a
given face image with corresponding person’s image(s) in a database. Face recognition
finds application in areas like surveillance & security, digital libraries and human
computer interactions. Successful, speedy and practically feasible face recognition
method depends heavily on the choice of feature vector used for classification and
addressing the curse of image dimension. The dimension reduction and the skill to
acquire minimum size of feature vector required for face recognition for diverse facial
expressions is a challenging task in face recognition. Dimension reduction results in
removal of irrelevant variables alongwith noise therein and a lower computation
complexity of subsequent processing.
This dissertation addresses the challenges of dimension reduction, choice of
minimum size feature vector for face recognition and minimization of adverse effects of
varying facial expressions on the recognition through reduction in image resolution. In
preprocessing of face images, scale normalization is carried out through a novel scale
normalization algorithm to retain only the facial part of images. This helps in reducing
computational complexity by restricting dimensions of image to face region only. Tilt of
face images is removed by calculating the gradient between the two eyes and applying
the reverse rotation. The issue of dimensionality is addressed first by gradually reducing
image resolution through spatial domain low pass filtering followed by decimation. The
second method involves novel coefficient selection strategies to choose the minimum
dimension of feature vector required for recognition with maximum recognition rate and
reduced computational complexity. Face images with varying image resolution are
obtained by varying the decimation factor. The effects of variation in image resolution on
face recognition have been evaluated using template matching and Principle Components
Analysis (PCA) based face recognition techniques. Classical PCA technique has been
modified into sub-holistic PCA. Better recognition rate is achieved using modified PCA
method with reduced image resolution.
Improved recognition rate results are reported using novel coefficients selection
and optimization methods in Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Cosine
Transform (DCT) and Discrete wavelets Transform (DWT) based face recognition
methods. The experiments are carried out for various image resolutions using five
different datasets. Improved recognition rate of 97.2% (template matching), 87% (PCA),
94% (Sub-holistic PCA), 100% (DFT), 95.75% (DCT) and 99.25% (DWT) is achieved at
a specific image resolution for different datasets.
The resolution reduction method used with square images is then extended to
hexagonal images. A new technique based on Diagonal grow and Butterfly structure
methodology has been developed for sampling and indexing hexagonal structure in
hexagonal image processing frame work. Proposed strategy offer less pixel redundancy
as compared to existing techniques. Reduction in pixel redundancy varies according to
size of square image.