Construction projects in human-induced disaster areas has experienced low productivity. The development projects of infrastructure in Federally Administered Tribal Area and Baluchistan provinces in Pakistan where security forces are fighting war against terrorists / insurgents has come across low productivity due to security issues shaping an environment and other factors which relates to terrorism. The project managers in hierarchy are facing lots of problems of cost and time overrun during execution of infrastructure development projects. Few causes of the bad performance of development projects may be: Insurgency and terrorism, local culture, socio-economic disparities, violence due to sectarian issues, intrusions of government administration, drug mafia, far flange logistics, insecure environment, very multifaceted topography, lack of communication infrastructure, norms / culture of the area, unskilled Human Resource, availability of plant and machinery, unprepared circumstances, non acceptability of outsider contractors by local population, limited working hours available at project side and long distances from functional camps etc.
The purpose of research is to develop a Knowledge Based (KB) model of cost and time performance by use of SPSS and AHP of development projects in human induced disaster areas. This model will be employed to evaluate the working constraints of project in such environments. The problems to be faced by project managers in judgment making will be tinted, assessed by drawing significant conclusions using mentioned tools keeping in view the area dynamics. The FATA and Baluchistan areas in question remained deserted and not detailed research in this area was conducted earlier.