This study was designed to explore the quality management practices at the
teacher education institutions in Pakistan. The study was delimited to the Departments
of Education/ Institutes of Education and Research of public sector universities in
Pakistan. All the teachers including heads of the Departments/Institutes of Education
at public universities of Pakistan formed the population of the study. Since the
number of teacher educators was limited, all the population was taken as sample for
questionnaire survey. The required data was collected by administering two
questionnaires i.e. Teachers’ Questionnaire and Experts’ Questionnaire, and
conducting interviews of QEC heads and HODs. Teachers’ Questionnaire, which
contained two scales, was meant for investigating the perceptions of teacher educators
of 19 public universities about current practices of quality management in their
respective institutions and identifying the important components of quality in teacher
education. The Quality Management Practices Scale (QMPS) consisted of 75
statements on five-point Liker scale relating to nine subscales: top management
commitment, leadership, human resource management, benchmarking, processes,
stakeholder focus, physical and academic resources, partnership and linkages, and
information and analysis. In the Quality Management Components Scale (QMCS),
teacher educators were requested to identify on four-point scale the relative
importance of 30 items for managing quality at teacher education
departments/institutes of public universities. The return rate of Teachers’
Questionnaire was 70.72%. The Cronbach Alpha values for the QMP Scale and QMC
Scale were 0.859 and 0.885 respectively, which showed high reliability of the scales.
The Experts’ Questionnaire was used for validation of the Draft Quality
Management Model developed by the researcher. In this questionnaire, experts werexvii
asked five open ended questions pertaining to following aspects of the proposed
model: simplicity and comprehensiveness, viability, deficiency, relevance with
Pakistani context, and its attraction for the relevant organizations. The return rate of
Experts’ Questionnaire was 63.33%. The Interview Schedule included five open-
ended questions covering following aspects: use of quality assurance/ quality
management model, implementation of the HEC guidelines for quality assurance,
major initiatives taken for quality improvement, effectiveness of quality assurance
initiatives, and major problems affecting quality of academic programmes. The data
collected through Teachers’ Questionnaire was analyzed by using frequency
distribution, calculating mean response scores and applying chi-square test, whereas
information collected through interviews and experts’ questionnaire were analyzed
It was concluded that low to moderate level quality management practices
existed at teacher education institutions included in the study. A sizable number of
teacher educators were not satisfied with the present state of quality management at
their institutions. Comparatively, the most favourable views were given from the
respondents about the subscale “human resource management” whereas teachers were
least satisfied with the “benchmarking” aspect of quality management at their
institutions. There was no significant difference between the perceptions of male and
female teachers for majority items of the QMP Scale. On various aspects of quality
management, old institutions appeared to be slightly stronger than newly established
teacher training organizations, and other teacher education institutions were relatively
better as compared to University of Education. Out of 30 elements rated by teachers,
the components that received ‘most important’ rating by the majority of respondents
included “top management commitment to quality”, “establishing academicxviii
standards/ performance indicators”, “teachers' satisfaction with working conditions”,
“teachers' professional development”, and “long-term planning”. The findings of
interviews of QEC heads and HODs revealed that universities including Departments
of Education/ IERs were following Quality Assurance Framework suggested by the
Higher Education Commission. Major initiatives taken by Education Departments/
IERs included outlining the missions and visions of the departments and the academic
programmes; following admission criteria suggested by HEC; revision of curricula of
teacher education programmes; obtaining feedback from the important stakeholders
about the effectiveness of teaching and academic courses; self-assessment of
academic programmes; documentation of self-assessment results; analysis of self-
assessment data; and preparation for accrediting teacher education programmes.
For implementing and improving the quality related initiatives, it was
suggested that a Quality Steering Committee should be constituted at all the teacher
education institutions of public universities. It was further recommended that the
proposed quality management model (attached in Appendix VI) may be implemented
by the university Departments of Education/ IERs to improve quality of academic
programmes and institutional management.