dc.description.abstract |
This study was initiated to identify the daily stressors, coping strategies and
adjustment of adolescents. It was a two phased study. In Phase I, a pilot study was
conducted on thirty two adolescents who were between 14 to 18 years of age, to
establish the applicability of the instruments to be used for the final study and also to
have a preliminary sense of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the research. In
Phase II, two studies were conducted. In Study A, Situational COPE (Carver &
Scheier, 1982), was used to identify daily stressors and coping strategies. Perceived
Self Efficacy Scale (Jerusalem & Schwarzer, 1979) was used as an indicator of
adjustment. 435 (249 females, 186 males) school/college students participated in this
study. Their age ranged between 14 and 19 years (M= 16.84). Content analysis of
reported stressors revealed four major stressful domains: Academics, Interpersonal,
Intra personal and Socio-environmental. Religious Coping, Planning, Positive
Reinterpretation and Growth, Focus on and Venting of Emotions emerged as the most
dominant coping strategies. The less opted strategies were Substance Use and
Humor. Problem-Focused coping dominated over Emotion-Focused or Dysfunctional
coping types. Frequency of stressors demonstrates that females were more stressed in
the domains of academics and interpersonal relations and males were more stressed
in socio-environmental domain. Intrapersonal stressors were reported equally by both
genders. Likewise, intrapersonal stressors were less in early adolescents and high in
mid adolescents; interpersonal stressors were reported equally by all age groups.
Similarly, academic stressors were more pronounced in early adolescents and less in
older adolescents; socio-environmental stressors, however, increased with age.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted, to see the main effects of gender on
different COPE scales. Significant gender differences were found on four sub-scales:
Religious Coping [F(1,434)= 3.86, p< .05], Humor [F(1,434)= 6.45, p= .05],
Behavior Disengagement [F(1,434)= 5.95, p< .05], and Substance Use [F(1,434)=
4.49, p< .05].
Females scored high on Religious Coping and Behavioral
Disengagement and males scored high on Humor and Substance Use. ANOVA was
also computed to see age effects and significant differences were found on three
COPE sub-scales. On Focus on and Venting of Emotions, adolescents in their mid
years vented off their emotions more [F(2,434)= 3.35, p< .05], Denial
[F(2,434)=3.45, p< .05] was more among older adolescents and Acceptance
[F(2,434)= 4.34, p< .05] increased with age. The perceived Self-efficacy among
adolescents was also high and it was positively correlated with Problem-focused
coping. In Study B, thirty participants (15 males, 15 females), 17 to 19 years of age
were studied repeatedly for six weeks. Initially Dispositional COPE (Carver &
Scheier, 1982) was given to them to see their usual coping pattern. Then, diary
method was used to identify their daily stressors and Situational COPE was used to
assess coping. A qualitative analysis was carried out, individual patterns emerged
and each pattern did not match largely with the reported dispositional style coping of
those individuals, hence preference for certain coping strategies did emerge. Gender
comparison was also done and both males and females exhibited coping with stressful
situations in a variety of ways. Active coping, Planning, Acceptance, Religious
Coping, Mental or Behavioral Disengagement, Focus on and Venting of Emotions
were the most dominant coping strategies for stressors related to academics,
interpersonal, intrapersonal and socio-environmental domains. |
en_US |